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 Co-ordinator, PG Dept
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The college offers M.Com. course under Dibrugarh University. The intake capacity of the course is limited to 25 seats. This is a regular course carried out as per the syllabus and other guidelines concerning M.Com. course under Dibrugarh University. The date and other terms and conditions concerning admission and classes etc. is notified in the college website from time to time.

P.G. CBCS Board
Chairman:Sailen Gogoi, Principal cum Chairman
Coordinator & Member: Sailen Gogoi, Co-ordinator, PG Dept
Members: Dr. Bipasha Chetiya Barua, HOD, Department of Commerce,
Dibrugarh University.
Sri. Sailen Gogoi HoD, Accountancy & Vice Principal
Dr. Tanka Prasad Upadhyay, HoD Banking.
Dr. Satya Ranjan Doley, Associate Prof., Deptt. of Accountancy.
Dr. Tulika Mattack, IQAC Coordinator & Associate Prof., Deptt. of Commerce &
Dr. Joydev Gogoi, HoD, Business
Bani Kachari, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Commerce & HRM
Dr. Mintu Kr. Das, HoD, Statistics.
Sangeeta Sensua Gogoi, Librarian.
Dr. Priyanka Dhanuka, Students Counsellor.

List of Faculty Members:

1 Sailen Gogoi, Principal
2 Dr. Bhupesh Bhagawati, Associate Professor
3 Dr. Tanka Prasad Upadhyaya, Associate Professor
4 Dr. Chitra Roy, Assistant Professor
5 Dr. Satya Ranjan Doley, Associate Professor
6 Dr. Tulika Mattack, Associate Professor
7 Dr. Joydev Gogoi, Associate Professor
8 Bani Kachari, Assistant Professor
9 Dr. Jecob Konwar, Assistant Professor
10 Dr. Ipsita Bhattacharya, Assistant Professor
11 Dr. Luku Morang, Assistant Professor
12 Keshabananda Haloi, Assistant Professor
13 Dr. Mintu Kr. Das, Assistant Professor
14 Dr. Ajit Goswami, Assistant Professor
15 Dr. Kasturi Saikia, Assistant Professor
16 Borsing Hanse, Assistant Professor
17 Dr. Bidisha Mahanta, Assistant Professor
18 Pankaj Sahu, Assistant Professor
19 Dr. Pallavi Kashyap, Assistant Professor
20 Nazrana Haque, Assistant Professor
21 Riya Das, Assistant Professor
22 Dr. Priyanka Dhanuka, Assistant Professor
23 Sweta Bansal, Assistant Professor

Teaching Learning process of the Department:
* Assignments
* Group Discussion
* Presentations
* Micro Teachings
* Mock Interview

Teaching Learning Process of the Department
* Special Lecture From Guest Faculties
* Use of Google Classrooms
* Notes in WhatsApp student group

Evaluation Process of the Department
* Home assignments
* Group Discussions
* Presentations
* Field Survey Projects
* Google form MCQs
* Sessional Exams

Title Date File
M.Com Entrance (DUPGET) Admission Notice 2024    2024-10-05View

ID Title Description Publish View File
92Talk on “TAXATION OF SALARY”.2024-05-04Resource Person: Prof. Kumud Ch Goswami, Dean, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh UniversityView
91Talk on “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR ECONOMIC GROWTH, IN CELEBRATING THE NATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY WEEK”.2024-02-17Resource Person: Dr. Gautam Barthakur, Assistant Professor, Centre for Management Studies, Dibrugarh University.View
90Talk on “INTRODUCTION OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT”2023-11-22Resource Person: Dr. Jutimala Bora, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University.View
89Two Days Workshop on “HANDS-ON-TRAINING PROGRAM ON FILLING OF GST RETURN”. 10 & 11 October 20232023-10-10Resource Person: M/S. Sailendra Sharma & Associates, Chartered Accountant, Dibrugarh.View
88Talk on “MARKETING RESEARCH”2023-09-26Resource Person: Dr. Bipasha Chetiya Barua, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh UniversityView
86Talk on “OVERVIEW OF COMPANY LAW”.2023-05-23Resource Person: Dr. Jutimala Bora, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University.View
85One Day Workshop on “HANDS-ON-TRAINING PROGRAM ON ADVANCE PRACTICES OF MS EXCEL IN BUSINESS”.2023-05-22Resource Person: Dr. Toralima Bora, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Dibrugarh University.View
83Talk on “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY”2023-05-13Resource Person: Prof. Kumud Ch Goswami, Dean, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh UniversityView
84Talk on “COMPUTATION OF INCOME BY HOUSE PROPERTY”.2023-05-13Resource Person: Prof. Kumud Ch Goswami, Dean, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh UniversityView
82Awareness Program on “AWARENESS OF E- WASTE OF MANAGEMENT”.2023-04-08Resource Person: Mr. Krishna Pratim Bordoloi, Executive Director, ALNA Welfare Foundation, Lakhimpur, Assam.View
81Talk on “OVERVIEW OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT”.2022-12-01Resource Person: Dr. Jutimala Bora, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University.View
80Talk on applications of “PARAMETRIC & NON PARAMETRIC TESTS”2022-11-30Tesource Person: Dr. Kuldeep Goswami, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh UniversityView
79Talk on “PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, COSTING & FINANCING STRATEGIES”.2022-11-29Resource Person: Dr. Pranjal Kumar Phukan, Chief Manager (C&P), BCPL, DibrugarhView
78One Day Workshop “BEHAVIOURAL ASPECTS FOR STUDENTS.”2022-11-26Resource Person: Mr. Pransu Raj Kaushik, Assistant Professor, Centre for Management Studies, Dibrugarh UniversityView
77Talk on “Company Law”2022-07-04Resource Person: Dr. Jutimala Bora, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University.View
75“RESEARCH METHODOLOGY”2022-06-04Resource Person: Dr. Bipasha Chetiya Barua, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh UniversityView
74International Lecture on “BUSINESS HUMAN RESOURCE & STRATEGY: ANALYSIS OF LINKAGES”2022-04-23RESOURCE PERSON: Prof. Zahir Uddin Arif, Department of Business Studies, Jagannath University, Dhaka, BangladeshView
73International Virtual Workshop on “ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY: AN ACHIEVER’S JOURNEY”2022-03-21KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Pranjal Kumar Phukan, Chief Manager (C&P), BCPL, Dibrugarh. RESOURCE PERSON: Mr. Yasobanta Mahanta, Managing Director (MD), Trends Hotels Anstalt Pvt. Ltd., LiechtensteinView
72One Day Workshop “SOFT SKILLS: WHAT WHY & HOW?”2022-02-17Mr. Pransu Raj Kaushik, Assistant Professor, Centre for Management Studies, Dibrugarh UniversityView
71Talk on “PERSONAL FINANCE”2022-02-12Resource Person: Prof. Kumud Ch Goswami, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh UniversityView
70Motivational Talk on “Time Management- Gateway For Productivity”2021-02-18Resource Person: Dr. C.K.Nath, Head, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh UniversityView
69Talk on “RETAIL MARKETING”2020-07-01Resource Person: Dr. Bipasha Chetiya Barua, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh UniversityView
68Online Lecture on “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY”2020-06-25Resource Person: Prof. Pranjal Bezborah, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University.View
66Online Motivational Lecture “Notes on Accounts Annexed to and forming part of the Financial statements”.2020-06-19Resource Person: Prof. Ashit Saha, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University.View
65Talk on “Human Resource Management”.2020-06-16Resource Person: Dr. C.K.Nath, Head, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University.View
64Lecture on “Skills for Analyzing the data with the help of SPSS”.2019-10-21Resource Person: Dr. Manas Pratim Barman, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University.View
63Talk on “Marketing Management with special reference to Case Studies”.2019-10-19Resource Person: Prof. Pranjal Bezborah, Professor, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh UniversityView
62Talk on “Organizational Theory & Behaviour”2019-08-31Resource Person: Dr. C.K.Nath, Head, Department of Commerce, Dibrugarh University.View

ID Title Date View
19Achievement of our Student. Aditya Bhattacharjee, Recipient of “University Gold Medal” for Sec2024-03-09View File
20Achievement of our Student Aditya Bhattacharjee, Recipient of “University Gold Medal” for Secu2024-03-09View File

ID Semester year View
881st Semester2019View File
891st Semester2019View File
901st Semester2019View File
911st Semester2019View File
921st Semester2019View File
962nd Semester2018View File
952nd Semester2021View File
942nd Semester2019View File
932nd Semester2020View File
972nd Semester2019View File

ID Title Date View
58M.Com 4th Semester Syllabus.2024-04-19View File
57M.Com 3rd Semester Generic Elective (GE)- Soft Skills for Employment2024-04-19View File
56M.Com 3rd Semester Syllabus.2024-04-19View File
55M.Com 2nd Semester Generic Elective (GE) - Issues of Indian Economics.2024-04-19View File
54M.Com 2nd semester - Syllabus2024-04-19View File
50M.Com 1st Semester Syllabus.2024-04-19View File

Title Year View
M.Com 2nd & 4th Sem Teaching Plan - Period January- June 20242024View File
M.Com 1st & 3rd Sem Teaching Plan - August -December 2023.2023View File
M.Com 2nd & 4th Sem Teaching Plan - Period January- June 20232023View File
M.Com 1st & 3rd Sem Teaching Plan - August -December 2022.2022View File
M.Com 2nd & 4th Sem Teaching Plan - Period March- July 20222022View File
M.Com 1st & 3rd Sem Teaching Plan - October -March 20222022View File
M.Com 2nd & 4th Sem Teaching Plan - Period July- September 20212021View File
M.Com 1st & 3rd SemTeaching Plan - January -June 20212021View File
M.Com 2nd Sem Teaching Plan - Period January- June 20202020View File
M.Com 1st Sem Teaching Plan - August -December 20192019View File

Course Type Subject Year Appeared Students No. of Students Passed Pass Percentage